Zimmer vermieten

Abooking is created by vacation home owners for other vacation home owners so we can rent out our objects for as a low a cost as possible. Abooking is an international web-based service to advertise vacation homes such as cottages, apartments, villas etc for guests, worldwide. By registering your object at Abooking.com you will notice the difference in the number of guests who are interested in your vacation home.

1. Create an account with us (Free)
2. Register your house (free)
3. Get online bookings directly to your email and in your account in Abooking.
(Only 10% commission based on the booking fee)

Internet Booking

Entire booking system with advanced functionalities and on many languages.
10% - Buchungsgebühr
(0kr Pro Jahr)
Functions include:
Instant booking: The guest find and books directly in Abooking. Booking confirmation is sent directly to the guest and to you as a owner.

(Quick, easy and fully automated process)


Booking Inquiry:

Entire booking system with advanced functionalities and on many languages.
10% - Buchungsgebühr
(0kr Pro Jahr)
Functions include:
The guest find free time in your calendar and send you a booking inquiry. You as the owner must actively select YES or NO.

If YES Booking is approved and the confirmation is sent directly to the guest and you as the owner.

If NO (or automatically after 24 hours) cancellation is made and confirmation is sent to the guest and you as the owner.

(Simple process that requires verification of owner)


Advertisingpage on Abooking for your house, apartment or vacation house.
995kr Pro Jahr 
Owner advertise the object.The Guests do not have access to the calendar and can not see if the item is still available or not. All communication is done manually via Abooking message center.

(Completely manual process)
Register a new account on Abooking.com

How to register your object for renting in Abooking.com